Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tip-O-The-Day: Save Energy and a lil' Cash

Just a quick one today that many of you may already be hip to - Years ago I was really verschnicked about having 5 various electronic boxes that are factory wired to be partially on 24/7, piled atop my TV.  It really seemed weird to this (originally) Oregonian to be wasting all that juice. So a friend said, "Are they on a power cord" and the answer was "Why yes, yes they are..."  She said, "Just turn off the power cord switch at night & when you leave for the day." Simple, and duh, I said to myself.  So now, I have 3 major power strip intersections that house 4 or 5 plugs each that I flip off every day and night. Financially? I don't know if it's all that much, but does my brain feel better about not wasting energy? YES, I really do feel much better when I flip off those switches.

Now, I don't have a fancy DVR or things on timers, so if that's the case, I don't recommend this semi-hippy-dippy idea; but for a basic cable box, a regular DVD player, and a small surround sound system - oh, and the TV, that's a lot of juice getting sucked out all day long.  Same goes for my microwave/toaster/blender/lamp in the kitchen. Also my fan/heater/ipod charger/cell charger.

SO, now I just flip off the strips, and feel good that I'm doing my tiny tiny part, in some way. Especially since I like showers a bit too much - hey, I'm no environmental angel!!

Thanks for reading!  xo ruby