Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Simple Fixes: Things you can change right now!

Hangers can change your daily life. Don't think so? Think I'm being hyperbolic? I didn't say they'd change your whole life, but I do think they can change angst to ease when trying to get that one strappy dress off your closet dowel. You know the one, it's on a chunky plastic hanger, tangled with a tank-top that's hung up for some stupid reason but now has slipped off halfway and a wrap dress with an 8 foot wrap belt is stuck through the loose arm of the tank-top with the belt looped up over the bar and you can't get anything off the rack and you're pissed and naked and probably have face cream stinging in one eyeball. You manage to yank a big chunk of clothes off the bar and onto the floor, in one last attempt to free that strappy dress. That strappy dress you always want to wear but never get the chance, and now it's a tangled mess ~ so you kick it all into the corner and start over. You go for the drycleaning, all nice and neatly wrapped up, and wear what's easy, if you're lucky enough to have picked up your drycleaning. Then you end up wearing office attire to a summer, outdoor brunch.  

Ok, maybe that's a bit hyperbolic. But variations of it happen everyday in most closets. 

All you need to do is change out the hangers. That's it. Get those popular, thin, velvet hangers and not only will things be clearer and easier to find but you will gain so much space on the bar. I've written about this before. I'm repeating it, and the hangers are popular (and sold everywhere) because it works. A 6 foot bar in your closet can fit about 100 plastic and wood hangers, or 200 thin velvet hangers (yes, with clothes, of course). For heavy outerwear I use wood hangers, but thin, flat ones as well, not the heavy, concave mahogany ones you'd find in your Dad's closet.  

Where to buy: Everywhere
Bed, Bath, Beyond
99Cent Store
Home Depot


In bulk is probably your most economical choice, Amazon has 50 for $23, less than 50 cents per hanger. But if your have some and you just need a dozen or so, most Dollar Stores have them, 3 for $1.


Stock Example

Stock Example
Ahhhhhhhh. Don't you just feel better looking at these photos?

:)  xo ruby

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


I often say, "When you look at a mess, you feel like a mess." This is an opinion. I do not have scientific proof. However, it's very true for me and for every client I've had for many years. NO one has said, "This! This, right here; this makes me feel great!"   
(No, this person was not moving in or out, they'd lived here for over 12 years. This is just how they live.) 

Since that hasn't happened to me, I wanted to do another round of Before&Afters to provide a little context to what I can do for you, a little evidence. Because, as we know, a photo is worth a million words (inflation & twitter). Here are some images that may sooth you, or ignite you...?! If you feel a familiarity with any of the Befores, call me and I will come make your place into an After.  ✊

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tiny Things Can Cause Big Headaches

I've been thinking a lot about tackling tiny things we all need for day-to-day living/working, primarily because clients tend to think, 
"If I have all office supplies in one area, what more do I need to do with them?" 
Well . . . if you have to stare at the shelves/cabinets/drawers for 20 minutes trying to find the right pen/marker/clip/envelope or ink cartridge, then ~ No. It is not organized. 

Or if everything is kept in the package or box from Staples, et al., you're still staring, reading what is in each box or having to open 6 boxes to find the right two-windowed-envelope or medium-black-binder-clip. 

At this point you are probably thinking I have gone around the anal retentive bend. Maybe, but I'll show you how making things clear and accessible really saves time and headaches. Also money, I cannot tell you how many times I come into an office space to find 20 boxes of paperclips or 4000 legal envelops or 120,000 mailing labels (recent examples) because people didn't know what they had, so they just order more . . . and more and more and more. Ay Chihuahua! 

Mid Process

Post Process



Simply put, See It? Use It!

as always, thx for reading!  xo ruby

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


We are OFF to the races . . . New year, new government = new challenges to give ROCKET FUEL to my way of coping  ~  Get. Or. Gan. Ized.
So, OUT with the old and IN with some love for the stuff that now seems New!

First, lets start with this most excellent trick/hack/clever idea of using File-Folder-Holders for kitchen items, including in the fridge and as a spice shelf! Super Smart - take a look at this BuzzFeed article, w/ video embed:

**Credit to MoMo O'Rourke & Alexandra Bower for sending it to me :) 

Cool, huh? 

Ok, here are some Befores & Afters as of late, and remember ~ Spring is afoot and if your head is too heavy with the world right now, why don't you take one small step to ease the daily jumble with simple fixes like these; Call me and I'll come out!  

Today's examples:
             Junk Drawer             
 Easy Garage 
TV Bookshelves
WTH Under the Sink? 


The time-honored JUNK DRAWER:

Does this Trigger You?
Does this Calm You?

Here, actually, is a decent Garage, but a booby
trap nonetheless when ever they needed something.


Just Sloppy. 

Just Un-Sloppy.

His/Hers-Hers/Hers-His/His et al. Sides by Color :) 

See What You Need.

Remove the whole basket if needed.

And . . . Easier Access for
the important things.

Call me anytime and let me unclutter your brain 💭  Thanks for reading! 
xo ruby